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Do LED Lights Really Save Energy?

There is no doubt that LED light bulbs can give you more compared to what a standard incandescent light bulbs can. In fact, an LED only uses a fraction of the energy incandescent bulbs consume to emit the equivalent amount of light. LEDs can even last 25 times longer than old fashioned light bulbs do. But the question most consumers are bothered about is if the energy needed to power an LED lamp plus the energy needed to create it is less than the amount needed for a regular light bulb?

I can only give you a short but very assuring answer. Yes.

A research made in Carnegie Mellon University have computed for the energy consumption in materials and parts manufacturing of an LED light bulb, product manufacturing and the energy a light source with LED bulbs use and compared what they got with that of a regular incandescent light bulb. They assumed the lifetime to be 25,000 hours and computed the energy needed to run that long, together with the amount of energy they have computed from manufacturing.

There are also other assumptions they made in computing such as the amount of light a single LED source is almost equivalent to that emitted by a compact fluorescent light or CFL (although in reality, LEDs can produce more while consuming less energy). Another assumption they made was it takes three CFLs or 25 incandescent light bulbs to emit light for 25,000 hours and that manufacturers can only reach a 50% yield rate.

Results have shown that incandescent light bulbs consume 1,500 kilowatt hours while CFLs consume 320kWh to reach 25,000 hours. An led tube on the other hand consume only 280kWh. Although the research have given substantial and very positive results, they still do not have all the information they need to prove the ability of LED light bulbs in changing the world by reducing power consumption.

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