led tree has developed an intellectual property (IP) portfolio called Pentelic to tap into LED lighting industry.
Pentelic enables edge-lit light guides to provide both area and directional room lighting offices, schools and retail.
According to the company, led tree IP space is to do with edge lighting a light guide with LEDs and the use of micro-optics embedded into the light guide providing ray angle control so light can be directed out of the light guide.
Measured as the total flux from the light engine to the total flux from the guide, efficiency is 92-95%.
The guides are made from moulded optical grade polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), with led tree light coupled in using a reflector and sometimes a lens moulded into the edge of the light guide.
The led tree of the guide is chosen for its aesthetics, then the array of lenses to be moulded into its surface is optimised by computer for each design to send light in the direction required, and to give the guide suitable luminous properties.
The led tree will initially be done in partnership with the customer at Rambus own development centre in Brecksville Ohio - a centre that was acquired with the light guide technology when Rambus bought the IP and R&D arm of Global Lighting Technologies in December 2009.
Rambus Taps into LED Lighting Industry

Public Date:
2011-06-27 15:11
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