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Led Industry News2015-07-13 18:14LED lighting's unit price declines and the sales amount increases
Led Industry News2015-07-13 18:14LED lighting's unit price declines and the sales amount increases
Led Industry News2015-05-25 12:34SupermarketLEDlightstalktosmartphoneapp FrenchshoppershavebecomethefirsttoexperienceanewLEDlightingsystemthatsendsspecialoffersandlocationdatatotheirsmartphones. ThetechnologywasdesignedbyPhilipsandhasbeeninstalledatafamoussupermarketinLill
Led Industry News2015-05-25 12:01LED Lights Tailored for the Booming Marijuana Industry
Led Industry News2015-05-25 11:58How LED Lights Are Transforming Auto Industry Design Automotive lighting is undergoing a quiet revolution, leading to new vehicle designs and providing enhanced nighttime safety. But while many of the innovations have become common in Europ
Led Industry News2015-04-28 18:40Cree introduces new LED lighting
Led Industry News2015-04-28 18:35Consider your options when choosing LEDs
Led Industry News2015-04-28 18:28Save Your Money- LED light bulbs better choice over CFLs
Led Industry News2015-03-18 12:46LED RGB Color-Changing Strips arepopularforbothhomeandcommercialapplications. We'dliketoproposeseveralwaysofusingthisproduct. 1)WatersideColorChangingLEDstriplighting Whodoesntlikespendingtimebythepoolorthelakeduringwarmsummernights?Colorch
Led Industry News2015-03-18 12:38WhatsCOBLED? COBLEDmeanschiponboardLED,itsoneofbarechiptechnologies,whichinterconnectbarechipto substratebyconductiveornon-conductiveadhesive,andthenwirebondingtoachieveitselectricalconnection.COBpackageisattachnumberofchipsdirectlytothe su
Led Industry News2015-03-18 11:13LED Lighting has become the trends for Field of Automotive Lighting
Led Industry News2015-03-10 15:07LED lighting market in USA & Europe
Led Industry News2015-01-28 13:18Why Blue LEDs Are Difficult to Make
Led Industry News2015-01-28 13:01The question behind the rapid development of LED Industry in China
Led Industry News2015-01-28 12:51LED lighting industry has a bright future and a serious product expansion
Led Industry News2015-01-08 18:41LED bulb efficiency expected to continue improving as cost declines